Why I Dance (written for Pat Graney's Premier of Girl Gods)
I. t h e l i s t I started dancing when I was three because I wanted to be like my sister. I danced because I wanted to be able to do...

See you later Seattle, I love you
Dear Seattle, Thanks for your support, your generosity, your immense beauty, your challenges, your small town-ness, your city-ness,...
RADAR 06.12.14 Seattle
Huge thanks to those that came out for RADAR last night at 10degrees and to the artists that let us screen their work. We were thrilled...

Press Reviews of Orange
Here is Mariko Nagashima's review of Orange in Seattle Dances. Orange Covers Full Spectrum Photo by Tim Summers
Press for Who's Afraid of Deborah Hay? in Seattle
Thanks for the fearless writers and journalists that covered our show! The Hay Way or the Highway (Seattle Dances) An Essay that Mimi and...

My ramblings on the SPCP process while in Findhorn, Scotland
I thought this might be a good time to repost my blogging while I was in Scotland: Part 1 : What you think you need Part 2: dy NAM ic...
Prepping for premier of "Dynamic" by Deborah Hay
Today, I spent the day with Mary Margaret Moore planning our performances of Deborah Hay Solos At Once and "Dynamic" in Seattle and...
PROGRESS premiered!
We premiered PROGRESS, at Velocity Dance Center as part of the Bridge Project with 17 amazing performers. Get in touch if you would like...

feet like birds
For an archive of blog posts, go here: feetlikebirds.blogspot.com